Damaged front tooth? Here’s what you should know about a single front tooth crown.

Dental Crowning for Chipped Teeth

Dentists permanently cement dental crowns over teeth to restore the shape, strength, and appearance of teeth. Occasionally, a single front tooth crown is necessary to even out the way your smile looks and return its sparkle. Dr. Mina Levi of California Dental Innovations installs metal-free crowns in as little as two appointments. If you need […]

A Toothache Might Be Related to a Failing Dental Filling

Dental Emergency

Dentists typically use dental fillings to treat minor cavities, chips, or small areas of lost tooth enamel. With good oral hygiene practices, you can expect a dental filling to last for many years to come. But as time passes, inconsistencies in your daily routine, or missing your dental checkups could make it possible for the […]

Flossing Is an Essential Component of Preventing Periodontal Disease

Dental Implants

Residual plaque, stray food particles and other bacterial deposits that are not removed by your daily oral hygiene regimen can create significant oral health problems. Some of those problems include cavities and gum disease. As plaque and tartar accumulate on your teeth, your gums become inflamed, creating a condition known as gingivitis, an early form […]